48 thoughts on “LEARN 13 Golden Guidelines Of Brand Design! (MUST KNOW)”

  1. part-time logo designer here! I work fulltime as a valuer for a property valuation company. I always ask where do you intend for your logo, printed or digital only. If printed, what are the materials. And logo design has its own trend that changes every year. And yeah, dont forgot to give logo concept to your client. Logo concept with mockup ideas are like cheat codes. Its easy for them to visualize how the logo gonna look like on their merchandise or websites. I have this quote that i stick by which is “ simplicity is the modern day complexity “

  2. No longer a graphic designer as I've moved on to another career. I just stumbled upon your channel and…. I'm simply blown away with your content. The knowledge you're sharing is AMAZING. I wish I had this years ago while learning. The countless classes were never this good. Subscribed, just to see. Truly fascinating to hear your thoughts and theories.

  3. Not good, this is absolutely not the kind of rules you want when creating a logo, #1 dynamic application, the first thing really ?? #2 logo appropriation ??? please go back to basics, this is nonsense

  4. Hi sir. Can you also give some information about the standard size of a logo, banner or advertisement design? I think there are some standard sizes. like if I start practising, which size should I start with?


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