3 thoughts on “I listened to your critique! Do you will have different suggestions?”

  1. I like this a lot! The color scheme is great and the new additions to the background make the spacing of the pandas look more deliberate than random.

    Two things that bother me though:
    1. The black shape in the bottom right corner doesn’t really add anything to the design and it’s distracting, I would probably remove it.
    2. Some of the elements clash in style. The bamboo in the corner is different than the pandas which are different than the leaves. I think you could remove the bamboo; I think the leaves and pandas look great together.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Great layout and nice colors – messages stands out ok – good choice of fonts etc. – but – the central attraction – the pandas – seem truncated somehow – and maybe a little off scale. Maybe fewer and larger would work better – just a thought. Overall – nice job.


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