How one can put together your design portfolio on Behance / Design Tutorial

Right this moment we’re going to unpack just a few methods to sort out portfolio creation. Not everybody has the chance to construct a private web site for his or her artistic work. That’s why many designers use platforms like Behance and Dribble to showcase their initiatives.
And keep in mind: in case your work on Behance is well-presented, you will get an achievement badge.


45 thoughts on “How one can put together your design portfolio on Behance / Design Tutorial”

  1. Please share how i can screen record my prototype so seamlessly without glitches? i used Microsoft screen recorder and for some reason the UI glitches even though it runs perfectly fine on figma when the screen recorder is off. Also it's not seamless. i want a free solution, not a paid one please.

  2. <iframe src="xyz?%20autoplay=1&amp;loop=1&amp;muted=1&amp;autopause=0&amp;background=1&amp;title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="1400" height="1050" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

  3. Everything's fine in my computer but when I see it in my phone, the videos (uploaded via vimeo) have bars below and above the video and the video kinda moves inside a square when you scroll

  4. I could only figure out how to copy and paste the embeded code as is. So it appears super small like 2 inches on the screen, instead of the full 1280px or whatever it should be. How do i fix it? Edit I fixed it you have to not copy the first embedded code that Vimeo gives you. First copy after you switch it from auto size to 1920 pixels wide. it should be in the top right corner of the share button on Vimeo as an option.


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