39 thoughts on “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: Create a Vector Pizza from Sketch (HD)”

  1. Instead of having to create round stroke and thinner, tapered lines, wouldn't it be easier to just create a tapered brush? Also, using your recommendation to remove cross-over lines, didn't work for me. Was a suggested step left out?

  2. When I get to the shape builder and try deleting the parts I don't need I run into problems. Up to then everything works fine. Once I hold alt I see the selected bit of the line, I click it and it indeed goes poof, but the rest of the line then changes significantly, it gets randomly thicker or thinner, and the anchor point where the two curves meet disappears and leaves a small but visible hole, making the connection untidy. This happens to all the lines. I'd appreciate any advice 🙂

  3. The tutorial is cool, but it strikes me weird (and none of yall can defend this with "well it's a tutorial, not training") when he would explain steps way more trivial and then continue not to at other parts. He might as well have. Also, the video DOES go too fast. The time lapse is even quick when on slowest speed and i mean it is quick for beginners. I'm by no means advanced but also in my beginner stage. But not level "I'm opening illustrator for the first time". I had to set the play speed to slowest, full screen, watch the tag down at the bottom showing which tool is selected at the moment, and it was still fast. Thankfully i had some little basics in to comprehend what he did and i'll write it down in my edit with time stamps (later cause it's late here and i gotta go sleep) so the parts that were missed to explain make sense to complete starters who aren't familiar with the layout of the program at all and couldn't follow every step. Cause 100% at the part in 3:10 where he draws the circle after he's done with the cheese outline, that's where those people got stuck.

  4. Two questions. The width tool a lot of times does not allow but only one click on a line. If I draw a circle, or any closed path, it will not allow me but click on one anchor, or one piece of the path to narrow or widen it, and thats it, it will only work on that segment of the shape, and wont let me click on further points. What is wrong, or what is happening? Can't find any tutorial on this very thing.
    Also, the shape builder just won't select any object. If nothing is selected, it has the crossed out circle, the tool being "greyed out". Does not select anything.


  5. It need much effort for much more complex drawings. Isnt it easier to draw directly over a graphic tablet, i didnt use it but I am looking for an easy way to get digital drawing results without any detours.


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