What’s your profession finish objective?

As I get older I began to have this worry… What’s the finish profession objective for a designer? I feel most firm are going to maintain hiring youthful designers to be in contact with developments, software program and so forth. share your ideas!

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7 thoughts on “What’s your profession finish objective?”

  1. When I first got into this, my end goal was being a designer that changes the world, working for charities that do stuff and change the world and make a huge impact. I dreamt of being a freelancer and being famous. Like all the students and green designers you see post here about how long it takes to be able to be a successful freelance designer etc… It’s the dream, and no one takes into consideration that freelance is not just design, it’s being a salesmen, business, finance and invoices, contracts and law and chasing clients, it’s networking and finding clients and being socially confident and getting out there. it’s hours and hours and hours of everything else about 5% actual design

    Now my end goal is to just not hate my job like 90% of other people I know, and earn enough to keep being able to do what I want, when I want

    I suppose a real goal of mine is to one day transition into being a university lecturer, full time, but for that I need to retrain and get some new quals which puts me off – financially and I don’t know if I could commit and hack it mentally

    It would be nice to teach though. I’ve got all this experience, and like you, I see younger designers out perform me with 1 hand tied behind their back, I do feel age is a bitch

    But then I’ve been able to get into more management and direction roles than hands on design. I tell people what to do so I don’t have to aha, I lead and direct and manage – budgets, deadlines, projects, clients, expectations, the big picture. I mainly look after the big picture and make sure everything is on target overall

  2. My end goal is to be able to do this full-time and work my regular job part-time to keep the health/dental benefits I have through work. It’s a pretty low bar to set for myself but with the rising cost of everything I don’t want to have to worry about taking my kids to the dentist or getting my family prescriptions. My current job covers it whether I’m full-time or part-time. Also any money I earn from the regular job can go to fun things (trips, birthday/Christmas gifts, etc…)

  3. I have transitioned to working a passion project full time that happens to provide great benefits. I’m still able to do lots of freelance work on the side and have paid time off for larger projects or vacations.
    My end goal is to stay doing design work but be invested in a few small business that have money coming in to supplement income.

  4. It’s a very individual question that will likely be different for all of us. While I was in college my goal was to have my own company by the time I was 30. I started my company at age 26. So I set a new goal to have at least 5 designers working for me by age 35, which I also reached by age 34, so that was another goal reached. I stopped making goals after that because I’m content with where I’m at. I run my own design firm which is now very well established, we have plenty of work to keep us busy with no shortage of clients, and at age 45 I love my job and can relax and enjoy going to work every day while maintaining quite a bit of freedom… I’m not rich, but live a solid middle-class life in a nice home while I continue raising my kids until they’re off to college. It’s a nice life and will no doubt last me until I decide to retire.


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