What AI software program is used to make images “come to life”?

I’ve seen lots of movies of work and outdated images coming to life through AI (blinking, smiling and so forth.), however I could not discover what packages have been used, even when I requested within the feedback.
I am simply actually curious and the entire thing appears wonderful to me.
Thanks prematurely!

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3 thoughts on “What AI software program is used to make images “come to life”?”

  1. Usually they work based on Neural networks or machine-learning, with terms like GAN and many more letters around it. Google GAN and you are busy for a few days…
    They are mostly research projects with a few exceptions ofcourse.. usually the videos come with a link to the paper and sometimes a link to github… By the time you have everything figured out and started training the software, it is already out-of-date….


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