28 thoughts on “in search of some suggestions on brand”

  1. The way the K is shaped and curves back on itself may cause people to see it as a cropped off R and read STORED instead of Stoked. I’d also try making the disco ball O the normal size, it may look better.

  2. hi, I’m extremely new to graphic design (been learning for about a week, mostly through YouTube tutorials).
    logo is for a 70s disco themed dance club/ bar.
    any feedback/tips would be really appreciated 🙂

  3. I like the font, but would either tighten the kerning, or really open it up. Right now it looks like the default, and seems a little uneven. I would also make the lines of the disco ball white, thinner and curved to give it some dimension and visual interest. You might try the descriptor copy all l/c and flush right. All this aside, it’s a nice job.

  4. I think your sub head – bar & dance club is just a little too close to STOKED – the ascenders on the lowercase letters take up more room in general – also the slight pole over the O in the main header isnt necessary – you’ve already conveyed a sense of play for the logo with the disco ball

  5. besides all the technical stuff that’s already been mentioned— the vibe of this feels more like a book club than a dance club. add some spice! get funky! do crazy things to your letterforms! try some fun color combinations!!

    i know that’s all real vague but this is just stuff off the top of my head that i would look for in a dance club’s logo, and is ultimately what would draw me in to actually go to the place.

    edit: i saw you mentioned it’s supposed to be 70’s themed. maybe look more into the trends of the time and reference that sort of design (and add your own modern touches where you can)— looking at popular bands would be a good idea, and thinking about the kind of music that would be playing in this club. you could look at album covers, fashion, hairstyles, makeup trends, social movements, etc. i think the most important thing is establishing that /vibe/ and all the technical things will fall after.

  6. Is it supposed to say stored or stoked? The font makes it a Lille unclear. And personally I would use a thicker font and brighter colors if it’s for a dance club

  7. I think it looks great! Maybe mess around with the leading on the ‘o’ (looks a tiny bit tight to me) and look into curving the cross hatched lines so the disco ball has more dimension. Finally the stem on your disco ball should be the same height as the width of the cross on your ‘T’

  8. Might try over sizing the disco ball, it would give the effect better. I agree on the K being too close to an R and the tagline being too similar in font style.

  9. The grid on the disco ball looks flat and has squares going down the center column and then rectangles on the sides. Maybe try curving the vertical lines so that you have more equal shaped faces on the ball.

    The k has a curved line on top, but a straight diagonal line on bottom. It seems as weird. Either round the bottom leg or straighten the top one.

  10. I’d go smaller on the bar and dance wording. While also playing around with the kerning. The colors used makes the logo look a little flat but this could easily be change by perhaps using a gradient for the wordmark but just remember to change the sliders so that the gradient does look too cliche.

    I enjoy the type choice used. It’s something you don’t see everyday and that is a good. Just play around a little bit

  11. Nice work! Very clean! Keep working on it! Some bends in the lines on the disco ball and perhaps a different weight too would help it look more like a disco ball. The color and fonts don’t really communicate to me what kind of club it is. What is its flair, it’s vibe, it’s mojo. 😅 decide on that and move into your design. You’ve got the bones. Nice work!

  12. I would remove the stem from the disco ball. I don’t think it makes sense. It doesn’t add any value. Maybe look into more ways to graphically show a disco ball?

    I think the k looks like a “K” however I don’t think it matches the rest of the type, that curvature does not appear anywhere else in the design. According to Beatrice Warde “Type used well should be invisible” the idea should be to find ways to make the whole design feel like one thing instead of multiple different parts.

    Overall I think you should look at the kerning of the word mark a bit more and make sure that the type parings work together. Revisit the concept of that disco ball. And in general try to make your design feel like one thing instead of separate things. Off to a great start keep up the good work.

  13. The sparkle of the disco ball doesn’t work if you have the logo in one color. The discoball (letter o) is too small compared to the rest of the letters (it could be an artistic choice, but I don’t think it suits for this particular logo) the color is a bit too pastel

  14. Have you considered the positive space of the ‘O’/disco ball being pink? I feel like it could be worth a try, and may be more impactful. If you do that, I’d remove the ‘stem’ area on the top and just use the shape at full size. You’ll probably have to rework the shape of the mirror panels a little for this, too.

  15. I like it overall but the “K” looks like a “R” and the disco ball kinda looks like a grenade but that might just be me. Sub heading could be better imo, try adjusting the kerning so it’s more spaced out and experiment with the text weight.

  16. The K looks like an R. The ball looks like a grenade, I would thin the lines, add more and make the hanger look like a chain. Increase the opacity on the star as well. Reduce the font size on sub header and pull it down lower. For a beginner this is great work!

  17. Above all, a bold version of the STOKED would give consistency to the club. No need to mimic the disco ball, the star itself should be enough.
    I would slightly darken the pink too.
    And the letter K really needs to be reworked.
    Well done for a first try though.

  18. Overall I like this (nice progress!) but with Gestalt Closure I’m perceiving the K as a clipped off R every time I come back and look at this because of the way that the K’s arm curves up. Maybe there’s an opportunity to take the K’s arm and pose it in a “disco pose”? The disco ball took a moment before I fully appreciated what it represented. I think there’s some good suggestions in this thread related to the O.

  19. No. Pink wrong color for a nightclub logo. The O and star don’t work because they don’t convey any information about a nightclub. The fonts are too stark and the topline is unrelated to the bottom line. I’d start over.


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