Is this tough to learn? (cont.)

I am engaged on a challenge and the title I am going with is “Pandemonium” (its for a occasion service) and I am questioning if this might be exhausting to learn? If that’s the case are you able to guys counsel some alterations so the legibility is best.

[First Iteration](


[Most recent](

Any suggestions is appreciated!

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13 thoughts on “Is this tough to learn? (cont.)”

  1. Techniques like this only really work with commonplace words we can recognize at a glance. For a name like “pandemonium,” you’re going to have to make some concessions in favour of legibility. The most recent version is trending in the opposite direction.

    It’s hard to give any other advice without knowing what kind of “event service” this is, who they serve, etc. Assuming this is a school project, I’d sit down and flesh out the fictional business a bit more, then spend some time ideating and sketching on paper before you boot up Illustrator. Also, I’d work in this in black and white first, then add colour (again with legibility in mind)

  2. I’ve seen this post before, I feel. Bottom one works best. But regardless, I get the concept of Pandemonium being chaotic— it’s a bit on the nose, but it works.

    Your glyph weights need work. Some glyphs feel even and some feel clunky. I think you can still be chaotic while having even glyph weights.

    I would find a consistency between glyphs being curved or not. For example, the ‘P’ and the ‘D’ are curvilinear on their bowls, but the O is rectilinear on its bowl/counter.

    Additionally, the ‘i’ being extended is hard to read in this execution. I like the idea of a glyph being extended, but it is not working here— it’s reading like a ū almost, funny enough. What if you extended the U, instead? Once your your O is curved, it could work.

  3. Given the name Pandemonium, If the event service is for Halloween/scream park type events, then nailed it with the top one. Just needs a bit of refinement on spacing.

    If it’s not that type of event service, then I think this screams too much horror, which would be a negative look for say a festival events service,
    or a corporate events service and so on.

  4. My initial reaction was “this is annoying to read” I do prefer the top one. I think it works for the type of event you mentioned on another comment.

    My only real gripe after that is that the middle … Bar? On the E shouldn’t ever be fatter than the other two in my opinion.


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