HP Indigo printing press for typography and textual content – good high quality?

Hello All, I would prefer to know if anybody has used HP Indigo printing presses for typography and what the outcomes are in comparison with offset lithography. I am a ebook designer and at all times print my textual content on a litho press however I’ve a smaller venture and questioning how the 2 examine. I fear that the Indigo would possibly trigger the textual content to be heavy and too black as I am certain you aren’t getting the positive element you get from litho. If anybody has tried each and might let me know the comparability that will be appreciated.

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1 thought on “HP Indigo printing press for typography and textual content – good high quality?”

  1. Indigo produces great results. I’ve designed plenty of projects that went on an Indigo press and looked stellar. Usually the decision to print on the Indigo came down to cost and what features were needed. If it’s a smaller print run like you say, the Indigo will likely be significantly cheaper.

    If you’re looking at a specific print shop’s press, ask them to send you some black text samples run on their press. I guarantee they’ll be more than happy to send a whole package!


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