2 thoughts on “obtain this impact extra virtually? On the best”

  1. I’m not 100% sure im understanding what you’re asking, but I think you may be thinking about blend modes. If you rendered clouds that were black and white, you could set that layer to multiply. Multiply would leave the white areas transparent and the black areas opaque.

  2. I managed to achieve sort of what I wanted by rendering clouds that are black and the color of the background and then using a mask to mask out the center of the image leaving only the borders (the transition from black to the image).

    However this only works because the background is one color. How could I achieve this in a way that would work with images that have more colors?

    Basically what I’m thinking is how can I make clouds and keep ONLY the black part of the clouds, making the secondary color transparent so that it shows the image under the cloud layer?


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