How do you do these (the distortion whereas retaining the pictures straight) ? i attempted in illustrator with symbols and map artwork however had no luck

How do you do these (the distortion whereas retaining the pictures straight) ? i attempted in illustrator with symbols and map artwork however had no luck

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7 thoughts on “How do you do these (the distortion whereas retaining the pictures straight) ? i attempted in illustrator with symbols and map artwork however had no luck”

  1. The most important information would be how you want to achieve it.
    Do you want to be able to edit every image? Or would it be fine if you selected the images beforehand and that’s it?

    For preselection:
    Sort all images how you want them in a rectangle in one big Photoshop file. And then export that as a single file so you can just warp that file as necessary.

    For editable images:
    In Photoshop make a new layer with a colored rectangle. Convert to Smart Object and warp to the shape you want. Then double click the smart object layer to edit the content. Delete the colored background and arrange all the images you want in a grid in that file. Save it and you should see the grid in your first file warped how the colored rectangle was.

  2. You can use the perspective tool to warp each picture to have the specific look but that might take a while. I know mock-ups use smart layers and such to auto perspective stuff like all at once but I’m not familiar in making those or how they work.

  3. I would probably use some sort of 3D software instead of banging my head against the wall with Photoshop’s warp tool and spending all the extra time generating blurs, reflections, etc., but I guess when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

    Adobe has chosen to make 3D supremely annoying for reasons unknown to me, but if you had to stay in CC you could make your “wall” objects in PS and export the objects, pull it into Dimension then place a Photoshop composition of all the screens as an image on the object. Sounds like more work, and maybe is the first time, but you have a lot more control.

  4. I’d lay this out in Photoshop file, once all images are added to the frames, I’d make a separate working file from this master file (you can then go back and add different photos and output other images with same layout structure). In that new file I would flatten the framed gridded photos. Add layers here for alpha channels, warp and effects and flatten once finished for the image file, jpg/png. That’s how I would do this. It’s going to take some time.

  5. In this example it’s the same grid of images repeated. Simple texture of the selection mapped to a curved plane. Use PS/Ai/iD to layout the grid/s. Map them in Blender and adjust in PS/Ae/Blender. Super easy, done in few mins.


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