7 thoughts on “How can I enhance this character and improvement emblem?”

  1. A better color scheme would help. It doesn’t seem like any color theory was used here. Maybe check out some libraries of balanced schemes for ideas. Also, I’m quite sure that red isn’t CMYK compatible which could to cause problems in print.

  2. I’ll try, but I don’t know what the letters across the top and bottom mean. So disregard if what I say doesn’t make sense. I would make the size and weight of the most important symbols most prominent, so maybe the hearts in the center are larger to be a focal point, and then other black letters smaller, and maybe aligned in one row to simplify or organize them as secondary (this is where idk if that reads right or changes the message). The colorful border competes for attention- would consider reducing in prominence or size. Or remove from border and add colors to focal shapes.


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