Observe as much as my put up from earlier, I truly did use the talents I discovered so thanks for the replies everybody! Right here is an try I’m fairly proud of.

Observe as much as my put up from earlier, I truly did use the talents I discovered so thanks for the replies everybody! Right here is an try I’m fairly proud of.

View Reddit by ShaneMcMuffinView Source

6 thoughts on “Observe as much as my put up from earlier, I truly did use the talents I discovered so thanks for the replies everybody! Right here is an try I’m fairly proud of.”

  1. Earlier today I asked for tips on how to replicate the style of artists like MOCAGE and MISHKO as I had just recently discovered their art and wanted to take a crack at it. Several of you kind folk chimed in with tips that were great since I’m not used to working out of Photoshop. So, I figured I would share what I’ve been working on for the past few hours. Credit goes to the community that helped me and artists that inspired me 🙂


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