24 thoughts on “Flyer design for an occasion I am operating – Ideas, critiques, feedback?”

  1. I think it looks great so far. The kerning of the lower lettering is a bit tight for readability. Just for fun, could you add a couple notches here and there into the shield to make it look like aged and worn wood? Like the old Bavarian pub signs?

  2. I agree with those saying check your kerning. I’d add to revisit the color of “Oktoberfest”. I’d opt for a cream color or a darker blue. The blue/orange contrast makes my eyes jittery not want to rest there. If this is an event for older folks might mess with their eyes as well.

    I really like the overall vibe you created though! Great work.

  3. I designed this flyer for an Oktoberfest event I’m running at my job. I work at a retirement community with seniors.

    I’m by no means a professional in graphic design but I would say that I’m decent at it. I’ve taken quite a few courses throughout high school and college but never pursued it professionally or academically.

    With that being said I would really appreciate some feedback on this design. Give me any criticism, tell me what I did right and what I did wrong, all and everything. thanks so much!

  4. I think it’s really pleasing and gets over the idea of a good beery knees up! My only comment is that I’m finding the font a bit hard to read. I would try adjusting the kerning so the letters are a tad more separate.

    Edit: the lettering is fine on the main Oktoberfest I think.

  5. I might try a more legible sans-serif font for the smaller white type. And why abbreviate ‘dining rm.’? You have room for ‘room’ just seems odd to me. Also, I agree with others about kerning, especially in the word “entertainment” looks like it has spaces around the ‘t’

    Nice design overall, I like the colors and the subtle bavarian pattern in the background. I live in WI, and see Oktoberfest stuff all the time – this fits the bill and is nicely done.

  6. I like it a lot. The date should be larger. Always remember that the important information needs to be very visible. One could assume there’s be beer at such an event, but that’s at least 2x bigger than the date. It doesn’t have the location either but that may not be necessary. Make that date stand out. It’s literally the most important bit of information. That and the time.

  7. You have a lot of design feedback, so from a “suit” who worked in advertising production for a decade….

    I personally think you can lose the ampersand. Move the time immediately below the date as they’re related, rather than burying it.

    Your font unfortunately has a similar O and D. Not sure if there’s another with a similar vibe you can choose that might help differentiate those two, but I almost had to double take to make sure you didn’t write “fooo”.

    Maybe swap Food and Pretzels, or if it’s weird to say “pretzels” before “food” because pretzels are food, you can do food – pretzels – beer. Just think that center line will balance out a bit more with “Beer” and “food” being the same character length on the outside. Either way it’ll look more centered once the ampersand is gone and live entertainment is centered.

  8. I feel like the drop shadow on the headline isn’t really helping – I would try a thick outline instead? Or maybe a bolder sans serif font? I like the font style in the copy, so maybe just the headline font isn’t meshing.

  9. Really like the textures you have going on here, the faded background is awesome, imagery/illustrations are very nice.

    I’d agree with the kerning being a touch too tight on beer- food- pretzels.

  10. Looks good, but starting a line with an ampersand looks wrong. I would give it it’s own line,
    & (in smaller size and centered)
    Live Entertainment

    Also maybe “Starts at 11:30” or just @ 11:30, because that’s a thing people do now.

  11. Looks great. The colors immediately made me think of old print graphics with the pale/pastel colors. I zoomed in hoping to see some slight distressing with print effect textures and the like. Maybe give that a go and see what comes of it.

    At the very least, add a tiny hint of noise to take a little edge off the hard vector nature of it.

    Cool stuff!


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