Changing drawing to Vector

My boss requested me to recreate these photographs as vectors in order that they’ll use them as stone engravings. proper now, I have been going by way of them and tracing in Illustrator with a pencil however I am questioning if there’s a faster means? Higher software program’s?

The issue with them proper now’s that they’re too advanced and include too many shades to be precisely printed.

Open to any solutions.

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3 thoughts on “Changing drawing to Vector”

  1. Look up any video on the Live Trace Tool.

    However, since you mentioned going to print, I’d say that this is the less desired process.

    There’s no shortcuts to using the Pen tool for more clean lines, and organized layers. I’d say the Pencil tool is a poor choice because you‘ll have a lot of curves with only 1 handle which can be bad for a vector in general—even more so for a CNC destination like engraving.

    Also, might get better answers on r/AdobeIllustrator

  2. Stone engraving doesn’t seem like something you should improvise with help from the internet. Contact the person who will be doing the engraving and have them connect you with someone who has experience with this.

  3. YouTube is your friend here. If there’s an obscure use case for any adobe software, someone’s done a tutorial for it.

    I’m nearly a decade in and still use this method.


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