Finest method to develop into full on graphic designer?

I took graphic design in highschool and need to make it my profession, what are some good on-line courses, recommendation, greatest all the pieces? I already bought began with constructing my portfolio (solely a few designs thus far, they’re simply medicore/typical logos). I am nice at artwork/designing. I simply need to clear off the rust and make a profession out of it.

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5 thoughts on “Finest method to develop into full on graphic designer?”

  1. I went to an art school in a city that had a strong arts, tech and design population (so: good instructors) and got an associates degree and then got the fuck to work. The school process isn’t required but it’s structure and community. Friends help friends get jobs.

    Learn Figma. Just learn it. Don’t give up. Set aside an hour a day to follow tutorials. Get someone to pay for a Creative Cloud account for Christmas or something. Learn Adobes tools. Fuck around with Blender, it’s free.

    Learn art history, learn enough. It doesn’t have to be extensive. But it doesn’t hurt.

    It doesn’t hurt to learn how to draw and paint.
    Don’t have to be one of those guys getting 1M Likes on instagram or whatever. But knowing how to sketch gestural stuff, icons, perspective, color, texture, and people, thoughts, and different mediums, is really handy.

    Learn about business and economics. Marketing and research is a huge part of graphic design. Every company needs a marketing dept and every marketing dept needs graphic designers. Target, chlorox, wing dome, harbor freight catalogs, Fendi, sports teams, air conditioning companies, they all need graphic designers. And bands. And small businesses. And government agencies.

  2. Don’t even be thinking about a portfolio until you’ve done enough to reach an adequate level (which will require dozens of projects), then you can pick out the best ones.

    No one ever starts out just making 5-10 things and having them be good.

    I also did a ton of design stuff in high school, but learned very quickly in first year of college I knew essentially nothing. Even in finishing a 4-year design-focused degree, which was thousands of hours and probably 150 projects/exercises, that only qualified me for entry-level and still took me a few months to find a job.

  3. I went to college because I looked at the designers I admired and they all had degrees. I knew I needed structure to learn best and being self critical is very difficult. my degree opened doors I never could have imagined and created a lifelong network within the design community.

  4. I recommend thinking twice.
    currently, art, graphics, design, etc. are getting cheaper and cheaper every day. The design industry is stagnating (there is nothing new in it for decades) and it is overpopulated.

    better study neural networks and other new methods of image synthesis, this will give you advantages


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