Received a proposal at one place however ready to listen to again from one other place I like extra

That is for an internship. I’m a senior proper now coming into my spring semester and I’ve three fairly good internships underneath my belt already.

What do i do?? I’ve a very good feeling that i’ll be accepted on the different place too, however.. what if i don’t?

The place that gave me the supply is a finance place ( i hate finance after interning at a finance place already) that pays $20 an hour and is distant.

The place i’m ready for and wish to work for is an promoting company that pays $15 an hour and is hybrid.

🙁 pls assist

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7 thoughts on “Received a proposal at one place however ready to listen to again from one other place I like extra”

  1. Go for the industry you are more interested in, if you can afford to ignore the pay gap. If pay is priority, you have your answer there. Basically you’ll find your answer in any number of combinations of priority, but hard to say as outsiders.

  2. What would you actually be doing at each internship, and who would you be working with? Pick the one with the better design team/boss, the one that you will learn more from and benefit your skills, knowledge, responsibilities.

    Despite no one liking a commute, a remote internship is also counterproductive because the entire point of internships is to learn. From that alone I’d be inclined to take the hybrid because less experienced designers really need the benefit of better communication and integration with their team, effective remote work requires a better understanding of the role.

    When is this internship actually slated for? If you’re going into another term of college, does that mean this is for the summer essentially (April or later), or to be part-time during your schooling?

    If you also already have 3 internships done, and this internship is for after your spring term, at that point you could be seeking out actual junior positions anyway.

  3. Accept the offer now. If you get the other job then call back the original and decline it. I did this, granted it was months apart. I got offer A in October, accepted, then got offer B in March, then called back offer A and said I got a better opportunity and declined the offer.

    The only downside is that it might hurt your ability to get back in with the first company if you ever want to.. but chances are you’d rather not work there anyways.

    Edit: I also wouldn’t recommend telling option 2 you have an offer. Internships sometimes are competitive to get into and many companies judge based on if the student needs the offer to gain experience. If they know you have an offer already they may be less likely to give you an offer because you’re less in need of a job.


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