[HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT] given myself a immediate to for a challenge, and was instructed to create a sports activities staff brand for miami. can somebody critique it for me?

[HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT] given myself a immediate to for a challenge, and was instructed to create a sports activities staff brand for miami. can somebody critique it for me?

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15 thoughts on “[HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT] given myself a immediate to for a challenge, and was instructed to create a sports activities staff brand for miami. can somebody critique it for me?”

  1. I love your color palette. The way you presented it really makes it scream. Overall it fits the vibe I would give to “Miami” panicking. I am questionning the use of lowercase for the bottom tag. Is it necessary to have it this way hierarchly, or would the impact of all uppercase letters be more noticeable? Gradients are usually seen nowadays as reducive of a design’s quality, so you could also experiment with solid blocks of colors differenciating each part of the logotype.

    In a time where we are trying to simplify everything, it feels nice to have a “early 2010s” vibe! It’s a good design work, keep it up and accumulate experience under your belt ~

  2. If you’re coming at it as a design for a client a good question to ask and start off on is “What sport is this for?”. Each sport will have an overall look and feel throughout a majority of their logos. Of course there are always similarities from sport to sport but by utilizing certain design aspects, your logo will speak for itself as to what sport it want’s to put forward. For example, like stated previously, this logo does give of a Racing vibe with the reds, oranges, and yellow colors. The gradient and even the slanted gradient in the tagline are elements used all of the time by Racing Teams.

    That being said, if this is a design just for yourself, you’ve done a good job. Especially for just being in Highschool. But keep in mind that as a Graphic Designer, you’ll be designing for clients a majority of the time, and especially designing for a certain industry, there are key design styles that “fit” better than others.

    Another helpful thing to do is, once you decide what sport you are designing for, take your logo and put it up against other logos from that segment. Step back and take it in. Does your logo stand out like a sore thumb? Does it fit in? Is it too loud? Does it flow with the others? Does it have enough to be unique? etc…

  3. I think the color, gradient, and overall tone is good. The tagline is too hard to read, new font and dropping the gradient will help. For the main “Panic” type, I think the font is fine but lacks energy. Without the gradient it wouldn’t communicate “panic”. Right now it’s solid and uniform. “Panic” as an emotion is not solid and uniform, it’s frenzied, fight or flight, etc. Think of ways you can communicate that through the letterforms.

  4. Execution is good, I would change the typeface for “Panic” it doesn’t have much energy. Sports are about movement, action and dynamic energy. The lockup should reflect this.

  5. The tagline spacing vertical line height is small give a bit of gap and font typeface can be changed since most taglines don’t have bulky bold thick font also drop the gradient
    The logo heading is good 👍

  6. i love the colors and the way you have the gradient, and i like the way you’ve outlined everything. You do not need the small tag line at the bottom. If it’s on a uniform, people won’t be able to read it anyway (if it is a requirement for the project, then i suggest making it a solid color and also all UC)

    however… i feel like your typography is sending the opposite message to what it reads… it reads “PANIC” but it doesn’t ***SAY*** “PANIC”.


    I feel like it needs to be more dynamic, less static. More movement. Miami should probably the one in the clean, static lettering, and then Panic is the one in the large, dynamic, panicky lettering or graphic treatment.

  7. It looks like an 80s/90s video game logo, and as u/Sublime_Vizion hinted at, I suspect no famous sports team in 2022 has a logo in this retro style, so start by researching what the contemporary logos actually look like.

    The orange at the top of the letters in PANIC looks like it’s been misprinted and also makes the design feel blurred.

  8. i am not too sure about the Word “Panic”.
    i think that the tagline is idk, not sticking out, maybe because its in lower case or in the same gradient. and the font used for the word “PANIC” is way too relaxed and doesn’t meet the idea or thought of panic.

    maybe instead of the gradient, use some solid colors and make the panick look a bit more “panicking”.
    maybe try some illustration or make the graphic stand out with some shadows and some background shape illustrations.


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