2 thoughts on “Designers / Illustrators on Pinterest, how do you organise your Boards?”

  1. I feel like it’s kind of hard to say without knowing the typical way you use them.

    I’d probably recommend taking a look at what type of things you save the most of, and make sure those have separate categories by style/content, and things you reference a bit less could be more general, if that makes sense. For example, if you typically use Pinterest to reference a lot of illustration styles, I’d try to categorize those as specifically as I can in whatever way is most helpful to you (style, color, content, layout etc.) but then things you maybe don’t do as much, like logo inspiration or fonts, could be more general.

    To be fair though, I kind of just throw all of my inspiration in a folder on my computer organized by year, and then use Bridge to flip through thumbnails fairly quickly so I may not be the best person to ask haha. But I think doing a quick inventory and assessment of what you tend to save and reference the most would be a good place to start.


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