16 thoughts on “How do I get this artwork model?”

  1. Get a model. Rent a space suit. Get a studio
    light it Photograph the model in the space suit in different positions. Take those reference pictures and use them as reference to digitally illustrate them. Or take the pictures and draw over them digitally. Outlines and creases in black. Accent the shadows with light blue. Layer it. There are lots of tutorials online how to create digital illustrations. This ,in my opinion, most certainly had reference pictures. But like what the other people are saying, is not a filter you can just apply. You will have to do in manually.

  2. You’re going to have to be more specific with your request. This isn’t a specific “art style”, it’s an illustration someone has done. They drew it. No-one can tell you how to “get” it. The only direction I can give you is this: sketch out a design – fill colour areas – add some block shadows – do the linework on top. You could do this in Photoshop, or illustrator, or on an iPad with procreate, or with paint on paper, pretty much any medium. There’s no trick or secret to it, everything you need to know about how it was created is visible in the design itself.

  3. I assume that this is achieved by using earthy colors, putting down flat colors and then the shading. Then putting down a background color and lining your illustration with the same color as the background. Also put lots of texture. Not in a particular order…

  4. I kinda agree with most of the posts on this thread, not everything can be achieved with a filter or effect. But i will give you some technical insight.

    This is, or at least is replicating, a three colour print: Black, blue and gold, using overprinting and halftones to simulate more colours.

    The blue flag – will be 100% blue
    The Light blue shading – is about 20% blue
    The dark sky – is where the 100% blue is ‘overprinted’ on a 70% black
    The moon – about 20% black

    for a masterclass in overprinting and great examples of printmaking try [thelittlefriendsofprintmaking.com/](https://thelittlefriendsofprintmaking.com/)

  5. This is spot color screen print style. If you’re in Photoshop, figure out a way to separate colors and put each one on its own layer. When I do this, I convert each layer to grayscale and adjust layers and touch up to make sure it’s pure black and white. Let’s say I’m working on the blue layer on this image. I have a layer that’s just the blue parts (flag, visors). That layer has a white background and everything that’s meant to be blue is pure black. When I’m finished manually touching up this layer, I select color, pick white and delete. Now I apply style, color overlay with blue. To get this spot color screen print style, you need to make sure there are only solid colors: no blends, no fuzzy edges. Sometimes I cheat and make a top layer that’s a knockout group that “drills down” through another layer but that would take too long to explain. It’s meticulous but if you put in some time, you can make it look good.

    tldr: each color on a layer with style/color overlay and no fuzzy stuff.

  6. On a side not its good to see my old fraternity embraces good design….phi delt! Also this could be referencing Neil Armstrong as he too was a phi delta theta fraternity brother. I don’t recall right off if there was a famous gold lro…probably was.

  7. The search terms I would use to learn more is flat vector illustration. To mimic the style, create a line drawing in Illustrator, duplicate the layer and save for later. Then use live paint to fill in the colors, keeping your palette minimal. Finally, bring back the parts of your line drawing layer for outlines and texture lines, and color them the same as your background.
    Hope this ridiculously brief overview helps you going in the right direction.

  8. I tried to achieve this art style with the posterize effect but it never comes out correctly. Is there is way to take an existing image and apply this effect, or what would be the best technique to achieve this?


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