36 thoughts on “Espresso store branding idea. Want to hear suggestions about this idea! :)”

  1. I’m not really understanding why there is a line connecting the bean to the house, or what the fire is supposed to represent. It looks a little like the coffee house is on fire.

  2. Agree with other replies – ‘something’ seems off – and generally if that ‘something’ is not otherwise defined – its scale.. My first thought for example was ‘chestnuts roasting on an open fire’ – so maybe the beans and the flames are not communicating the fullest message. But overall – love the concept / colors / font choice and etc. If you make changes – please repost – would like to see them.

    Edit – on further reflection – maybe just elongating the house would be of some help.

  3. Definitely looks like testicles to me, especially with that little ‘cord’ connecting to one.

    In general, it feels little complicated. Looks ‘okay’ on its own but doesn’t feel right on the products. But that’s just my ten cents

  4. My first thought was steaming poo. On closer inspection it looks weird, like hamburger/coffee beans inside a jar that’s on fire or the beans are connected to a fire alarm.

  5. I really like the colors, and the beans have a nice feel to them – they feel stylized but unique! I have a few points, however. My main one is clutter – I feel like you have one too many elements. If it were me, I would remove the wavy lines on top. I feel like the other elements of the logo (the beans and the house) connect clearly to the concept. The wavy things are not as clear – I will admit, my first thought was “why does the beans smell bad?” I get now that they smell good, but in our heads if something smells and you can see it, it’s usually bad. I also don’t think you need it – the beans are clear enough that this is coffee we’re talking about.

    Secondly I feel there’s a weird space between the beans and the “smell” in the house . There’s a lot more whitespace on top of the beans than under them, but not enough for there it to look intentional. I would aim for a feeling of en even space.

    Really like the typography as well! Good luck!

  6. I really like how it looks when I examined it closely. I like the design in general, but I’m going to be honest my first thought when I saw it scrolling on my phone was it looked like a cross section of a scrotum. Maybe if you changed it to a cup of coffee instead of the coffee beans?

  7. I don’t know what it is about LemonMilk but it doesn’t come off as professional to me, or maybe it’s just over used and too recognizable to me. I used to be a fan but much like lemon milk, it’s soured over time.

  8. Conceptually it’s not very exciting. And brown as a design color has to be paired with something interesting. I’d explore more with words “coffee” and “house.” This idea is like thumbnail one. It’s best to start simple, more to high concept/ abstract and then back to simple.

  9. The coffee bean reads as a (pc) mouse to me with the line attached to it… it doesn’t read as coffee even though I know it’s a coffee bean. And it looks like the coffee house is on fire. I would not go to this coffee shop.

  10. Others have brought up constructive concerns, so I’d just like to note:

    If you end up going with this general concept (tweaked or otherwise), do vertical business cards rather than horizontal. It will be a better use of space.

  11. I feel like you should try to play around with the size hierarchy between the logo mark and logo type. Currently, the logo feels cluttered because the mark itself is a bit on the larger size in comparison with the logotype. Take starbuck’s logo for example, the size hiearchy of the logotype wrapped around the logomark is balanced. When you find that good balance between the two, it should also help with overall logo’s visibility when applied to different collateral pieces (business cards, signage, stationary, cups, even the logo image on the business’s website).

    To tag onto other’s feedback, I do feel like your logo would feel less cluttered without the flames (or steam?) at the top, and the house would be more recognizable.

    Additionally, the beans feel disconnected from the house, because there is a visual disruption between the two. I feel like the line that connects the two should be one continuous flowing line with the same stroke width. The accent lines used on the rest of coffee beans can probably stay the same stroke size for visual balance, but I’d play around with it. If you wanted the overall logo to have the same stroke width throughout, then perhaps make the house a little wider and shorter so you have even spacing around the coffee beans, which also allows you to thicken up those accent lines to be the same width (I hope this makes sense).

    Looking forward to seeing it after you’ve made adjustments. It’s almost there, you just need to finesse it a bit more.

  12. I think the smell waves are not needed/ are distracting.

    The bean with the line at the bottom conveys “mouse” and suggests a tech friendly place. This is not good or bad – maybe a warning.

    I would suggest playing with the width of the house- I have a hunch making is wider relative to the height and text would be better.

  13. Colors are good, but strip this down to 2 elements max, ditch the flames, and the connecting lines, simplify everything, use the same stroke widths and edge types (you have rounded ones, sharp ones and 90 degree ones — pick one).

  14. I like the coffee beans, color and typography underneath. I understand what you want to represent with the line around the beans and the steam shown. However, at first glance it seems more like a grill restaurant than a coffee house. The steam should certainly stand for the great coffee smell and pleasure that emanates from the coffee beans. I think you can leave that out, that makes the logo a bit cluttered and customers will automatically associate the beans with the smell of coffee. I would design the transition between the bean and the house with a small break in the line so that it doesn’t look like a bomb at first glance. Hope these were some helpful inspirations.

  15. The beans lines thickness doesn’t match the hosue lines thickness and that personally looks jarring to me, and comes off as unprofessional when there’s no cohesive one unity of style. The flames shapes style also doesn’t match the house or beans style. Beans are rounded but the flames are “pointy” with sharm edges. Again a failure to create one unified style.

    I would round the flames to mimic the beans rounding ammount and would reduce the house lines thickness till it matches the beans line thickness.

    And I’m not even yet touching on the idea side of things, which other it seems already critiqued.

  16. I think the concept is there, but the stroke around the coffee beans and the house shape is off put by the steam / fire on the top. The colour scheme is great, and i think its get there but I’d even play with the idea of removing the strokes from the beans and find another way to shape the house in the design if its a necessity.

  17. Great concept. Well Done! What I saw immediately was a pot of steaming hot coffee. It coffee symbolizes warmth and togetherness. I am from Jamaica – land of the Real Blue Mountain Coffee so yeah and this was the simplest way of making a strong brew!
    Run with it!

  18. When I saw the logo without reading the text, my initial impression was that it represents a defecation house.(whatever that is)

    I believe that the idea and the colours you go for is an interesting choice and think it could work but as it is stylized and the viewer should “fill in the gaps” it is just too easy for me to see it as something else 😅

    Good luck


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