23 thoughts on “Thalassophobia”

  1. More than eighty percent of our ocean is unexplored. The vast open ocean has always fascinated and made me uncomfortable. I wanted to create a poster that captured that feeling.

  2. As someone who suffers from thalassaphobia I can tell you this doesn’t trigger me. What triggers my phobia is showing how it is so deep that you can’t see the bottom once you break the surface.

    Your work is well done though! I love the effect, the layout, and the font.

    I’m just saying that if your goal was to trigger my phobia I would show what is beneath the surface also known as the terrifying expansive void that is home to all forms of life including undiscovered monsters.

  3. Simulation and water color look great. Neat idea and pretty good font and layout, I think these will be a lot more effective the more cards you make. I want to see several of them in a group.

    One thing I might suggest is try putting a subtle transparent dark gradient coming up from the bottom under your text, as it is it’s tricky to read with the water moving behind it.

  4. You’ve completely invoked the feeling of this! I wonder what it would look like horizontal? That way you could play a bit more with the kerning and increase the font size.


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